Approx. 175 species in North America north of Mexico.

Lampyridae (fireflies) in the order Coleoptera (beetles)

Description: There are a number of firefly species in our state. The adults of most species are readily identified by their brown or black, soft bodies, somewhat leathery forewings, and a usually red or orange pronotum (a shieldlike plate) that covers the head from above. The last few segments of the abdomen are pale yellow and can glow yellow, green, or sometimes red, depending on the species. They are our only flying, bioluminescent insects.

The larvae, called glowworms, are wingless. They don’t blink, but they do glow continuously and can be seen on the ground, especially in moist areas near grass and brush.

Size: Length: to about 3⁄4 inch.

Habitat and conservation: These beetles are nocturnal and crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) and are usually seen in spring and summer, when the winged adults fly, the bioluminescent tips of their abdomens winking on and off. They’re commonly seen in meadows, yards, edges of forests, and around streams. If you want to encourage fireflies in your area, avoid using broad-spectrum insecticides.

Foods: The larvae are voracious predators with jaws equipped with toxin to help them overpower snails, slugs, earthworms, and other prey. Adults eat a variety of foods, depending on the species.