University of Missouri Extension Council of Cedar County met on the evening of Oct. 8 in the Stockton High School Agriculture Building for the monthly council meeting. Members in attendance were Randy Langsten, Glenda Pate, Jim Phillips, Jordan Richner, Joy Rutledge, Rachel Stauffer, and Amy French. University of Missouri Extension staff present was Patrick Davis MU Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist, and Janet Fox MU Extension Cedar County Nutrition Program Associate. This meeting report is adapted from meeting minutes provided by council secretary Rachel Stauffer.   

Since the council chair was absent, the council vice chair Joy Rutledge called the meeting to order and after approval of the minutes and treasurer’s report committees reported on business.

The budget and audit committee discussed a date and time to meet on the development of the 2019 budget. Due to all but one of the committee members being absent from the meeting this discussion was tabled till the next meeting.

The election committee discussed the city of El Dorado Springs position on the council. Bruce Rogers of the city of El Dorado Springs has been contacted and was going to check into it. Also, committee members discussed the upcoming election and the need for candidates. At least three candidates are needed for both the north and south positions. Council members were encourage to bring names of member prospects to the next meeting.

The programs committee discussed the Cedar County nominee for the MU Extension Leaders Honor Roll and council approved that person. That person will be honored at our annual meeting in February 2019, so more details on the selection will be released then.

There was no old business. In new business, the council discussed two MOU arrangements with MU Extension. Based on the discussion council chose to approve the travel and youth program associate MOU with MU Extension.

In other business, council member Randy Langsten discussed the activities of the September MU Extension West Central Regional Council Meeting. Patrick Davis discussed the new MU Extension County Engagement Youth Specialist position in the office. We have a person starting in that position on Oct. 15. There will be an official news release on the person discussing their background and position duties as well as welcome reception for the person later.

In other business, Sharon Lansing with the El Dorado Springs Community Garden project discussed their activities in starting their garden project. Since seven of the nine members involved in the project are master gardeners, the council approved last month to provide funds for the project from the county master gardeners fund. Sharon also discussed help that the group had been receiving from a council member and the El Dorado Springs High School Agriculture teacher and class. Sharon and the group will continue to update the council on the project.

To end the meeting Patrick Davis and Janet Fox discussed portions of the Cedar County MU Extension reaching out report for September. The next council meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Nov. 5 in the El Dorado Springs High School Agriculture Classroom in El Dorado Spring. For more information on the meeting or council, contact the Cedar County MU Extension Center at 417/276-3313 or by email at

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