ROLLOVER KILLS DRIVER – The pickup sitting upright in the middle of Cedar County 02 just a few feet east of the intersection with Cedar County 601 with only body damage gives little indication of the catastrophe it left for the Hocking family. Mrs. Hocking, on her way to pick up someone, was eastbound and apparently came upon the section jog with which she was not familiar. She ran off the road, overcorrected, rolled the vehicle and was partially ejected through the passenger window. Rod and Carla Bledsoe, who live about a mile east of the wreck site, came upon the death scene just after the dust had settled and called authorities. Rod, and later the firemen when they arrived, saw the car seats in the pickup and looked for babies in the pasture. When Mrs. Hocking’s husband, Terry, arrived, he told them the children were safe at the baby sitter. Photo by Davis Long.

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