
When is hatred right?  We can hate sin; We can hate the devil, but is it ever correct for a Christian to hate other people?  The hatred displayed in Charlottesville, VA, by the KKK, the Neo-Nazis, the white supremacists would surely be condemned by our Lord.  Some caucasians were advocating to  take our country back.  Well, history teaches that we took it away from Native Americans, people of color.  It was theirs first, and God owns all the world ultimately.

Do you think Jesus made it in the caucasian census, or would he have checked the other box?  He taught us to love one another (Matthew 19:19) and even to love our enemies (Luke 6:27).  It is saddening and disappointing that hatred is so strong here in the U.S.A. We believe that  God is color blind and looks on the heart, not the color of one’s skin. 1st Samuel 16:7 tells us that man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.

Did you or I get a choice before we were born about our gender, race or nationality? Why do we look down on others just because they are different?  At a recent meeting of the El Dorado Springs Ministerial Association, by discussion and consensus we stand against racism and condemning others due to their skin color.  We are also convinced that God’s love, grace and forgiveness goes out to those as well who think they are better than others.  Take the path of Jesus.  Would he have driven a car into a crowd to harm or take lives?  Please give prayerful thought to these ideas and search the Scriptures.  Are your attitudes and beliefs what is taught in the Holy Bible?

Steve Singleton, Min. Assoc. President

Jack Daniel, Vice-President

Ron Marsh,  Secretary

Jared Kouba, Treasurer

Dennis Johnston, Member

Fanley Lewis, Member

Chad Daniel, Member

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