Ag producers who apply restricted-use pesticides must be certified as a private applicator.  Certification is good for five years and then producers must re-certify by attending a certification training.  Several have been held in the area. Those remaining are as listed below:

Feb. 27 at 2 p.m.  Call 417-646-2419 to register. 1st Baptist Church, 555 Walnut St., Osceola.

March 13 at 6 p.m.   Call 417-448-2560 to register. Fairgrounds Diner, Centennial Blvd., Nevada.

March 22 at 6 p.m.   Call 417-276-3313 to register. Cedar County Library, 717 East St., Stockton.

Call in reservation to the local Extension Center one week before the class.  In case of bad weather, the classes may be rescheduled.  Let us know at registration if you need any special accommodations.  Attendees are required to purchase a manual (M87) for $12 unless they bring a 2007 copy of it with them.

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