by Dora Jean McKinley

Marilyn Entrikin says Kelly Key was at the Senior Center and says she enjoys Dora Jean’s column so much. She likes the cats’ adventures.

Marilyn had a colonoscopy on Wednesday. Only one poly this time. Last time there were three. Good for another five years.

Marilyn had a guest preacher at church as her preacher is on vacation. It was really good.

Steve and Rose Entrikin had Marilyn over for supper on Friday night. BBQ ribs. Yummy. Also potatoes, corn cakes, and onions from the garden.

Danny Hogan and Tex McKinley have been working on Di’s Car. A few repairs are really needed. A lot of laughter was heard.

Mary Miller called Dora Jean McKinley. It had been a little while since I had heard from her. Mary went to school with my sister and me for many years.