The St. Clair County Commission met Monday, Feb. 11 with Robert Salmon, presiding commissioner; Leroy Strope, north commissioner; Gerald Williams, south commissioner; Debbie Peden, county clerk and Marian McCaslin, administrative assistant present.

The Commissioner and Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran met and discussed tires for equipment. Due to the recent ice storm, were trees and brush over the roads.

The Commissioners reported on the annual County Commissioners Association Training held in Columbia last week.

The CART Contract and Budget from Osceola Special Road District were received an dsigned by the Commissioners.

Matt Sorensen with Midland GIS Solutions was in to discussed the GIS (Geographic Information Solutions) Contract. After lengthy discussion with Mr. Sorensen, Commissioner Strope made a motion to enter into the contract with Midland GIS Solutions. Motion carried.

The Contract was signed by the Commissioners on said date.

Commission met Wednesday, Feb. 13, with all present.

The Commissioners and Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran met and discussed roads and road conditions.

The Commissioners spoke with Attorney J.D. Baker regarding utility easement on County Road SW 1175 that has been petitioned for road closure. The hearing will be April 1, in the Commission Office on the first floor of the Courthouse.

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