We had welcome visitors at the office Monday. Our new granddaughter, Reese, at five days old, took her first road trip with her momma, Erica, and big brother, Ben.

Madeline Reese Long entered this world at 9:31 a.m. Wednesday, March 6, at Nevada Regional Hospital after an “easy and fun” delivery. By 2 p.m., Momma was sitting up cross-legged in bed greeting her dad, her grandparents and her in laws (that’s Kimball and me).

Reese slept through most of it except she told on me. I was holding her sitting down patting her bottom as instructed. Suddenly she started fussing just a little. Davis asked me, “Did you stop patting her?” I had to admit that I had. I resumed my duty and she went back to sleep.

When Ben came into the room after school, I asked, “Ben, how are you today?”

“Happy,” was his bright, cheery, one word response. He soon got his turn at hold his little sister safely sitting down with a pillow under his arms to support her 7 lb. 7 oz.

Davis is the attentive dad. He got an armband and a cot that let him stay in the room Wednesday night. Reese slept seven hours straight the first night and every night since. And she sleeps a lot in the day. Guess who she inherited that from. When Dr. Reynolds delivered him, Davis gave one little yelp then went to sleep. Seven hours later, Kimball said, “Where’s my baby? I need to feed him.” The nurses told her, “He’s still asleep.” In a little while he woke up and ate then promptly went back to sleep.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we had to have the code word to get into the maternity ward. Then they told Erica and Davis if they took Reese out in the hall to not get too close to any room doors. Reese had a device on her umbilical cord that would set off an alarm. Same with the main door to the maternity ward.

They got to take Reese home Friday morning.

– Winston Churchill said this on Nov. 11, 1947, in the House of Commons: “Many forms of government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”