PACKING UP THE LAST OF THE PICNIC – City crews will finish de-constructing the frame work of the Picnic stage this week. The pool will close on Aug 15 (maybe), school starts on Aug 25 (pretty sure that’s correct,) the first football game of the season is Saturday, Aug. 28, in Forsyth (according to the schedule I received) and the last band concert is Sunday, Aug 29. (Terri Biddlecome told me that, so I know it is true.)

  Summer never gets here first enough and after the Picnic, time literally flies and crashes us right into September before we know it. There was a slight cool undertone to the air just recently. It was hard to recognize with all this heat, but it was there.

  As a former teacher I still think of the “year” as between September and May. And then there’s summer and then it’s gone. KSL

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