The Cedar County Commission met Monday, March 12, 2018. Present were Marlon Collins, presiding commissioner; Don Boultinghouse, northern commissioner; Robert Foster, southern commissioner; Peggy Kenney, county clerk.

Minutes from March 5, 2018 Commission Meeting were approved.

Met with D.J. Ford, Road & Bridge Supervisor to discuss roads and schedule.

Tom Lewis requested 3-24” culverts for special road district (525 Rd, 425 Rd, 725 Rd).

Otis Hochstedler discussed placing a CAFO on 5701 Rd.

10 a.m.  Motion by Boultinghouse to enter closed session to discuss personnel; second by Foster.

Collins-yes; Boultinghouseyes; Foster-yes.

10:20 a.m. Motion by Foster to Resume open session; second by Boultinghouse

Collins-yes; Boultinghouse-yes; Foster-yes.

Employee was disgruntled over hourly pay schedule set March 15, 2010 told the Commission they would be sorry.

Met with Sheriff James McCrary.

Discussed water bill from City of Stockton for $5,000, County has not found any water leaks; bill typically runs $700-$900 per month; discussion is on going.

Met with Great River Engineering.

Motion by Foster to enter into agreement for consultation with Great River Engineering not to exceed $18,000 including permits; Second by Boultinghouse

Collins-yes; Boultinghouse-yes; Foster-yes.

Payroll was approved to be paid.

Met with Chad Pyle, assessor to process court 23278 through 23302 to add-on the assessed valuation of newly purchased personal property.

The Cedar County Commission met Monday, March 19, 2018. Present were Marlon Collins, presiding commissioner; Don Boultinghouse, northern commissioner; Robert Foster, southern commissioner; Peggy Kenney, county clerk.

Minutes from March 12, 2018 Commission Meeting were approved.

Met with D.J. Ford, Road & Bridge Supervisor to discuss roads and schedule.

Met with Sheriff James McCrary.

Discussed water bill from City of Stockton which is now $9,000, County called Gold Mechanical, out of Springfield, to inspect jail; no leaks were found; Gold Mechanical suggested City replace meter; Report was forwarded to City.

Discussed potential CAFO on 220 Rd.

Reviewed Collector’s Annual Settlement Sheet.

Bobby Keith phoned in a complaint on an employee; Concern was forwarded to the elected official.

Reviewed report from Ty Gaither, prosecuting attorney; James McCrary, sheriff.

Met with Marge Vance, Economic  Developer.

Bills were approved to be paid.

Met with Chad Pyle, assessor, to process court 23303 through 23323 to add-on the assessed valuation of newly purchased personal property.

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