The St. Clair County Commission met on Wednesday, Oct. 18, with Robert Salmon, presiding commissioner, Leroy Strope, north commissioner, Gerald Williams, south commissioner, Marian McCaslin, administrative Assistant present.

The Commission discussed and checked Plat Book revisions.

Commission met Monday, Oct. 16, with all present.

The Cattlemen’s Association presented an Agri-Ready Plaque to the Commission for St. Clair County committing to supporting agriculture.

Edith Todd, representing Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, was in to visit with the Commission. Todd stated that St. Clair County residents will have the opportunity to participate in a baseline private well survey. The survey will be conducted by the St. Clair County Health Center with the assistance of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. This service encourages residents to take part in the survey by allowing the Health Center and State Health Department staff to collect official water samples. This is a free service and there will be no regulatory action. Random water sample collection in St. Clair County will take place the week of Oct. 16, 2017. The official water samples collected will be sent directly to the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory in Jefferson City for testing. Analysis results will be used to establish baseline records of private well water quality for St. Clair County and residents will be mailed their results.

The Commission worked on proofs for the new Plat Books. New Plat Books should arrive in mid to late November.

At 11:21 a.m. Commissioner Strope made a motion to adjourn. Motion carried.

Note: Presiding Commissioner Salmon and Commissioner Strope left at this time to view road conditions in the Taberville area.

Commission met Monday, Oct. 23, with all present.

The Commission and Road and Bridge Supervisor Cole Cochran discussed brush cutter repair, interior lighting for the Road and Bridge Maintenance Barn, culverts and installations, tires for graders and dump truck.

A concerned citizen telephoned inquiring about a road that he believed was an abandoned county road. After research, the Commission noted this was never a county road and informed the citizen.

Neal Scherzinger, Creative Planning Benefits, LLC, was in and discussed health insurance renewal and premiums.

CART Revenues received were $55,090.31. $59,563.98 was the portion going to Common Road District. Out of these revenues, funds are allocated to the following Special Road Districts: Appleton City Special $2,744.55; Chloe Special $1,803.56; Collins Special $3,528.72; Hillsdale Special $1,803.56; Osceola Special $2,901.39; Vista Special $2,744.55.

Note: CART is County Aid Road Trust. This is the County’s portion of Missouri motor fuel tax, motor vehicle tax and motor vehicle license fee increases.

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