The only really close Cedar County election I remember was when Don Berry and Fidel Bridges tied in the Republican primary for Cedar County Clerk. In the run-off Don Berry won big.

– My interview with Cedar County Clerk Peggy Kenny about the recount in the sheriff’s race was an education for me. Hope you enjoy or at least learn from the article.

– The pool/ice cream party Monday night was a smash hit. About half way through, the sky opened up. I wasn’t swimming so I retreated under the awning. I told some of the kids that people were getting out of the pool because they didn’t want to get wet. After a few minutes, I think it was Tyler Zimmer who told me, “Wait a minute. They are already wet.” He and his twin brother, Kyler, the one wearing a life jacket, had a bushel of questions about my camera even wanting me to shoot video with it and put that in the paper.

– The sunflowers Davis put behind the flag on the front page belong to Jennifer and Brent Bland. You can see them on the east side of Allison Road.

– The midnight football scrimmage was really pleasant – cool night and friendly crowd, even if Jodi Graves did try to give me a hard time about remembering to remove my lens cap. It started when I tried to take a photo of the LOL Youth Fair Royalty with my lens cover on. Jodi wanted to know if we could send someone next time who knew how to use a camera. Nope, just me.

And since I was the only camera on the sideline Saturday morning, she kinda had to take what she got. At first I just put down Jody Watts. Kimball caught that. I’ll just catch the dickens.

Good-natured ribbing is just another plus of living in a small town. KL