At a time when math is becoming an increasingly important subject for students to master, students are exploring ways to better understand the subject of math and improve their test scores.

To help students stand out from the pack and increase their math grades and scores, consider the following.

Don’t Skip Ahead

One math skill builds on another. The same way that skipping an episode of a plot-driven show will make you feel lost when you return to the program, missing a math lesson can create confusion all semester long. To keep up, be sure to pay careful attention in class, taking copious notes, doing all your assigned homework, and being sure to talk to the teacher about what you missed on sick days. Don’t move to the next chapter until you have full comprehension of the current chapter. If the class is moving at a pace that feels too fast, visit your teacher before or after the school day for some extra help, or consider working with a tutor.

Better Math Gear

Higher level math courses require the right tech tools. Since tests are most often timed, be sure to select a calculator with fast processing speeds, an easy interface that reduces the amount of time it takes to work out an equation, and is permitted on standardized tests.

For example, the intuitive icon-based menu of the fx-CG50 PRIZM from Casio, has a natural textbook display that makes it easy to use. Supporting students from middle school to college, it also offers USB connectivity that helps students take their lessons from calculator to computer. More information can be found at

Form a Study Group

The benefits of being in a study group are numerous, from accountability to expanded opportunities to explain the material to others. Different students will bring different skills to the table, helping everyone fill in knowledge gaps. Consider forming such a group with classmates, and setting regular meetings to go over the latest material together.

Math class doesn’t need to seem so formidable. Improve your grades and test scores with the right tools and study habits.