CMH El Dorado Springs Medical Center, Walk-In Clinic to open Jan. 3

Citizens Memorial Hospital announces the opening of its new CMH El Dorado Springs Medical Center & Walk-In Clinic at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2017. The clinic is located next to Community Springs Healthcare Facility at 322 E. Hospital Road, El Dorado Springs. An official ribbon cutting ceremony and open house will be announced at

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The Rock Wall

On Monday, Kimball and I had just finished eating lunch when Mary came in with a sheet of paper which she handed me. I saw that it was an obituary and started reading it. I saw that it was for a Mrs. Sheldon who was a co-owner of the funeral home and thought it was

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New circuit judge

JUDGE TO JUDGE – On Wednesday morning, Judge David Munton (right), formerly the Dade County Associate Circuit Judge, took the oath of office as the Circuit Judge of the 28th Circuit (Cedar, Dade, Vernon and Barton) from Judge Tom Pyle, (left) Cedar County Associate Circuit Judge.

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When will the fat lady sing?

Editor: As I write this (just before noon on Monday, Dec. 19,) members of the electoral college are casting their votes. By the time you read this, it will all be over. However, the official votes won’t be counted until Jan. 6. But some states will live stream their votes, and other states or electors

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Providing information

CAT SCRATCH Q: I got scratched by my cat.  Do I need to worry about it? A: Cat scratch disease is a bacterial infection that causes swelling and pain in the lymph nodes and loss of appetite.  You can get fever, headaches, and fatigue.  Usually it doesn’t appear for several days, but may last for

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Ambulance Board meeting rescheduled

The December board meeting of the Cedar County Ambulance District has been rescheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 27, in the Stockton Ambulance Barn. Included on the agenda is an item for the board to accept the resignation of the District 3 board member and one for the appointment of a new board member. Other

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Curing what ails us

With over 10,000 diseases in the world and only 500 known cures, it is important we work to foster new and innovative approaches to finding cures and delivering hope for patients. After a three-year-long journey through Congress, I am happy to tell you the 21st Century Cures Act became law last week. This legislation is

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Love note from Jeff City

This is that joyous time of the year when we come together with family and friends to celebrate Christmas and to reflect on the many blessings we have been given. It’s a time to delight in the wonderment of our children and grandchildren as they open their presents, and it’s a time to slow down

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Governor-elect Eric Greitens opposes taxpayer funded stadium

On Monday, Governor-elect Eric Greitens announced his opposition to taxpayer funding for a new soccer stadium in St. Louis. “I’m opposed to spending taxpayer money to build a soccer stadium in St. Louis,” Greitens said. “This project is nothing more than welfare for millionaires. Right now, because of reckless spending by career politicians, we can’t

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