Slow Change on the White

If you are the kind of person who likes to fish in the winter, if you enjoy seeing big old white flakes of snow drifting down against the dark outline of a high ridge with steel-gray water flowing along beside you, then you will like the White River in December and January and February. It

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Bass tournament Stockton Lake

American Bass Anglers Division 126 will hold a tournament Saturday, Dec. 3 launching out of Old State Park. Registration can be done at the ramp beginning at 6 a.m.  Mandatory briefing and partner draw will take place at 7 a.m. Weigh-in will begin at 3:30 p.m. Entry fee is $70; ABA membership is $25. All

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Fishing Report

Taberville Report by Bobby Dains Dains Fish Farm I saw several nice fish caught this weekend on trotline. They are catching blues and flatheads both. They had one that weighed over 30 lbs. They had five and they were all above the slot. There were three of them fishing so I don’t know how much

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Savvy Senior®

How and when to apply for social security retirement benefits Dear Savvy Senior What is the easiest way to apply for my Social Security retirement benefits, and how far in advance do I need to apply before I start collecting? Approaching 62 Dear Approaching, The Social Security Administration offers three different ways you can apply for

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When memories are fleeting: caregiver solutions

Think of your father. What is his favorite food? His favorite hobby? Where did he meet your mother? What is his proudest moment? Think of all these memorable moments in his life and ask another question: Does he have trouble remembering these moments? For the nearly 2 million men currently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD),

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Holiday food safety tips

You may have cherished memories of holiday meals with friends and family. If you’re preparing a memorable holiday meal of your own, make food safety a priority so guests don’t remember it for all the wrong reasons. Hosting a holiday meal often means having more people at the table, serving a wider variety of dishes

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No news must be good news, right?

By Marge Zink and Julia Snethen I am sorry we have not been able to get our news out./ Our secretary who sends the news had a family emergency; but hopefully everything has straightened out and we will do a little catch up. News for week of 14th Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist

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Gardening to distraction

Christmas or Thanksgiving Cactus I have had them for as long as I can remember, most of them gifts from friends who gave me a start. Although we call all of them Christmas cactus, there are two different plants. Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) is what is currently sold as Christmas cactus because buyers preferred getting

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Twentieth Century Club news

by Lana Sue Jones Thirteen members of the Twentieth Century Club met on Nov. 14, in the home of Sandi Eaves with Sherry Wiseman serving as co-hostess. President Sandi Eaves called the meeting to order. The minutes of our last meeting and the treasure’s report were approved. The committee report were given and discussed. Lana

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