Cedar County Ambulance District, 319 Englewood, Stockton MO  65785

Date: 11-15-2021

Location: Stockton Ambulance Station

Time: 6:30 PM

Call To Order: 6:30

Roll Call: All present

Approve Agenda: A motion was made by Boyle, to approve agenda with changes, seconded by Moore, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried. Changes include adding “Resignation of Sinclair” to new business.

Approve minutes of previous meeting: October 18, 2021 A motion was made by Moore,  seconded by Sinclair, to approve the minutes of the October meeting, 5 ayes, 0 nays 1 abstention (Boyle wasn’t here.) Motion carried

Public forum:


Manager’s Report:  Tom presented the Manager’s report. All trucks operational at this time. Motion to approve Manager’s report made by Sinclair,  seconded by Johnson, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried

Financial Report: Ashley gave the report for this month. Nothing unusual, standard bills paid. Motion to approve Financial report made by Moore, seconded by Johnson, 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried

Correspondence: Nothing at this time

Unfinished Business: Nothing at this time

New Business: Resignation of Sinclair.

Nadine Sinclair is moving to Kansas and has presented her resignation tonight. A motion was made by Boyle, with regret and appreciation for all she’s done, and seconded by Norval, to accept her resignation, 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried. We will miss you Nadine. District 3 is open, it is bordered by St. Clair county road to the north, Sac River to the east, 32 Hwy. to the south and and about a mile and a half or so to the west of 39 to the west.

Adjourn: 6:45 Motion made by Moore, seconded by Johnson, 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.