Rick Casey, DO

Q: My mother had Alzheimer’s and I’m getting older and am worried that I may be going to get it.

A: Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia. There are actually several different kinds, but it is by far the most common. It causes memory loss and affects judgment, language, and behavior. You may have trouble making decisions or may get lost in places that you shouldn’t. It’s not clear what causes Alzheimer’s. Finding out that you have this disease is a shock. Although there is no cure at this time, there is a medicine that may slow memory loss for a while. You can get the rapidly developing or slow acting variety. They are making progress on it, but an actual therapy that is effective is probably six years away. Making the diagnosis is difficult because the only definite way is to do a brain biopsy. However, it seems to follow a pattern and recognizing it usually confirms the diagnosis. It runs in families, as well. Once you have the disease, there are things you can do to make it easier- medication, balanced diet, plenty of protein, walking, mental activities (such as crossword puzzles), and sleeping well all seem to help. Also, keeping to a routine seems to help as it advances. Physicians and psychologists have specific testing to help make the diagnosis.

Dr. Rick Casey

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