TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs met in The Firefly Services building, formerly known as “Preferred Family Healthcare” at 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs, Mo on Thursday, Nov. 21, for their regular weigh-in and meeting.

Our leader, Warren, called the meeting to order, Carol led us in singing “TOPSI Doodle.”

Warren led us in our TOPS Pledge.

Marilyn led us in some very good and much needed exercises. Then led us in the KOPS Pledge.

Warren then led us in Roll Call. 15 members weighed in, we had a Loss of 7.0 and a gain of 8.8 leaving us with a 1.8 gain.

Best Loser for the week was Sharron with a 2.0-pound loss. Congratulations Sharron. Other great losses were Warren with a 1.6 loss. Juanita had a great loss of 3.4 but was unable to stay for the meeting.

Contest Report: Warren is the TOPS front runner this week.

Warren read some information from a recent TOPS Newsletter. Our TOPS Advocate, Sandy has resigned her position.

Laura had the program today. She spoke about an article from TOPS NEWS Magazine about the benefits of Lentils in our diet.

Lentils are the unsung heroes in our pantry. For instance, ChickPeas and Black Beans have many uses, you can use them in soups, salads, mashed in dips and many more. They cook quickly and they contain lots of vitamins and are high in protein and are LOW in Calories!

Laura pointed out several recipes including Lentil and Chicken sausage soup lentils.

Laura then asked each member to draw or write down something that makes them happy. While members were doing this, she read some of the poem’s featured in the TOPS NEWS.

Laura then had members share what they wrote down that gives them JOY!

Thank you, Laura, for a great program.

MARBLE GAME: there is $19.50 in the pot. Sue won the right to draw but did not get the winning one.

Warren reminded us that next week we meet on TUESDAY the 26th.

Our Chapter Christmas Party is on Dec. 12.

We will work on the float on Dec. 13.

The Christmas Parade is Saturday, Dec. 14 at 3 p.m.

We will meet the day after Christmas (December 26th).

We sang Happy Birthday to Margie, Laura, and Jean

With no other business we closed with our motto “IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME”

TOPS #MO 9319 meets each Thursday morning in the Firefly Services building formerly known as “Preferred Family Healthcare” at 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs. Weigh-in starts at 7:45 a.m. the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. and is over by 10 a.m. For more information call Linda at 417-876-7404. Come and join us.

TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at