TOPS CHAPTER 319 El Dorado Springs met in the Church Of Christ Sanctuary on Thursday June 16.

Our leader, Robbie, opened the meeting with a funny story. She is now finally free of all the medical stuff and she and her husband, Norman, were going to Sam’s Club.  She got out of the pickup and was very stiff and sore. She looked to her right and saw a man in overalls and thinking it was her husband. Norman took his arm, she then looked to the left and saw Norman standing on her left. The other man took it well and both he and Norman led her into Sam’s. Even worse, Norman was not wearing overalls that day.

Kay then led us in singing “I Must Attend My Meeting.” We said our TOPS and KOPS pledges.

Marilyn led us in a series of exercises.

Robbie led us in Roll Call. We had 29 weigh in today and the chapter had a net loss of 15 pounds. Best loser for the week was LJ with a loss of 3.6 lbs. Congratulations LJ. You can do it!

Paul won the right to draw for the marble in the marble game. But he did not draw the white one so the pot continues to grow.

Warren reported on the contest. It will run till the end of this month. We are starting the “Summer Contest.”

Sheryl said she only needs 90 best choice labels. She will not be here next week so you have two weeks to save up and bring them to her.

Robbie reminded us the executive committee will meet after next week’s meeting to go over the bylaws. We will meet at the church at 11 am. Anyone is welcome to come to this meeting. The executive committee will present these to the chapter at the meeting on June 30.

Robbie reminded us election of officers will be July 14. She only has till July 18, to get them to Sylvia.

Margie presented the program today with the help of Nellie and Carol. Gertrude (AKA Carol) and Hortentz (AKA Margie) meet after a long separation and discussed Hortent’s recent bout with Shingles. They talked about symptoms, cause and treatments. They passed on a lot of useful information including the importance of getting the shingles shot if at all possible.

Hortentz  then gave us her 10 steps for a healthy summer.

1.      Give yourself a berry boost. Choose fresh black berries, blueberries and strawberries.

2.     Get dirty and stress less. Gardening is good exercise and a stress release.

3.     Floss daily.

4.     Get outside to exercise.

5.     Be good to your eyes, wear sunglasses.

6.     Vacation time.

7.     If you drink alcohol choose spritzers as a light alternative.

8.     Sleep well.

9.     Use sunscreen.

10.  Drink water.

Thank you Margie, Carol and Nellie.

Robbie read the thought for the day that Tammie sent her while she was ill.

“Move down the road to your dreams. Don’t worry if everyone is going faster than you. Those zooming along can hit a traffic jam. Take the slow road, relax and enjoy the ride.

We welcome anyone who is interested in losing weight. That includes men, women, teenagers and even children above the age of seven. We encourage and reward losses even as small as .2 of a pound. We kid a lot about that awful .2 especially when it is a gain.  We do not shame you if you gain but help you explore what you might do to have a loss the next week. We have a lot of fun in the process. Today is the first day of the rest of your life as the saying goes, so it is a good day to make a life changing decision.

We often remind ourselves that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We are here to help you break the cycle and have fun doing it. Please consider joining us!

For more information, call Robbie Chase at 417-876-0233, Juda at 876-4888, TOPS toll free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at

Come and join us.