Submitted by Lana Sue Jones

  The Feb. 10 meeting of the  Twentieth Century Club was held in the home of Kay Sewell who served as hostess with Ruth Woody serving as co-hostess. The meeting was called to order by President Jean Wernel. . In correspondence the Christmas basket committee and the diaper pantry organization had sent thank you notes for our donations.  In unfinished business we will give a donation to the PTO playground equipment fund. New business was a discussion of officers for the next two years. We also need ideas for the new program. The May trip was discussed and will be further decided on at our next meeting.

Sherry Wiseman presented the opinion on the political ads during the Super Bowl this year. The last time ads were presented was in 1989. We discussed how we felt about political ads being advertised at that time and the ads being used this year.

Kay Sewell presented the program. She first told of the Genghis Khan exhibit in the Kansas City area. He led an army of great soldiers which was considered the best  archers in the world. There was the need for the soldiers to have several horses for battle and a food source. She also presented tips on how to make cooking easier by using a slotted spatula to keep from having lumpy gravy, roasting vegetables, making mini pies in cupcake pans, and adding fruit last in making granola. To make an easy oyster soup, use a can of cream of celery soup and add oysters. These were just a few of her useful tips.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned to enjoy snacks and visiting. Thank you to Georgia Detwiler for taking these minutes in my absence at the meeting.

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