by Cassie Downs, Christian Blogger

Are you the person who makes their bed every morning? My grandma was that person. Me, however, not so much. I’ve never understood the point in making the bed just to climb back into it hours later, making it a mess. Now, of course, I make my bed on special occasions— when I’m having company. Other than that, I do good to pull up the covers when I roll out in the morning. But according to some research I did. And by research, I mean google, because let’s face it, the internet does not lie. It seems as though there are perks to making your bed each day. The first thing it does is give you a feeling of accomplishment. Second, it increases productivity. Third, it reduces stress levels and makes your room appear cleaner. And lastly, it develops good habits. So I guess my grandma knew what she was doing after all. Perhaps I should change my routine.
In John 5, we come across a story of a disabled man who has spent most of his life searching for healing. This man’s bed has gone unmade for thirty-eight years. That is, until Jesus walked into his life. Let’s look.
“One man was there who had been disabled for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and realized he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to get well?” “Sir,” the disabled man answered, “I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but while I’m coming, someone goes down ahead of me.” “Get up,” Jesus told him, “pick up your mat and walk.”” —John 5:5-8 CSB
This man suffered for many years. He was held down by his issue, tied to his bed, until the day that Jesus walked into his life. When Jesus walks in, freedom follows!
Some versions of this story read: take up your bed or make your bed. What I love about this is the implication of no longer needing your bed. Once this man is healed, he no longer needs to resort to laying on his mat by this supposed healing pool. He knew the healer. Jesus wanted him to know that he was finished with his bed. His healing, his freedom had come and no longer would his issue hold him down. Jesus made it clear to him to take up his bed. Jesus says to the lame man, make your bed and don’t look back. The internet is right! There are perks to making your bed.
Jesus is a healer. He can heal your relationships, your body, your addiction, your pride, your mind, all of your issues, and all your soul. But when He does, how often do we try to climb back into the same bed He has asked us to make? The same bed He has set us free from? Jesus is our freedom, but we get to choose to walk in freedom.
What areas in your life has Jesus set you free from? Or areas He wants to set you free from? Will you walk in freedom? Do you choose Christ? Or will you continue to leave your bed messy, using it as a crutch rather than trusting Christ?
Like the man at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus longs to take away your issues and make you well. But He looks you deep in the eyes and asks, do you want to be well? Will you choose to make your bed never to return? Or, will you keep coming back day after day, choosing instead to live with a crutch, when you could be leaning on Christ?
Friend, my prayer for you today is that you lean into Jesus. Make your bed and walk away. You have a healer greater than your greatest sin. Bigger than your greatest struggle. I pray that today, you walk in the freedom that Jesus so eagerly wants to give to you.
Cassie Downs is the author of Chasing Jesus and Unrivaled, both 60-day devotionals and founder of Everyday Jesus Ministry. Connect with her online at Cassie’s books are available locally and