Applications are available for the 2023 Lillian Sunderwirth Memorial Scholarship. These scholarships are open to all students and returning college students attending or have obtained admission to an accredited two year or four year college or trade school. This does include those seeking master’s degrees.
The recipients of these scholarships must be from the El Dorado Springs School districts, both public and private, or have a direct relationship with a member of the El Dorado Springs Eastern Star.
The candidate must maintain a 2.5 GPA, demonstrate constant effort in their coursework and be extremely earnest in completing their college education.
For undergraduate students, applicants must maintain no less than 12 credit hours per semester.
For information on obtaining an application, please contact Ashley Rogers at the El Dorado Springs R-2 School or Natalie Baker at the El Dorado Christian School.
Deadline to return necessary documents or mail to the scholarship chairman is Thursday, April 13, 2023. Monies will be distributed by the trust to the college, university or trade school to be used for tuition and fees.
Renewable applications will be available for recipients from last year who are continuing their education.
For any additional information, contact Janice Stark, chairman at 417-876-3952, Lana Sue Jones at 417-876-4246 or Paula Gray at 417-448-4874.
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