At the regular meeting of the El Dorado Springs City Council meeting on Monday, June 7, the council voted to renew the city’s solid waste collection services with WCA, the current provider. The five-year contract will increase everyone’s bill by $1.81. Under the new contract everyone will be provided with a poly cart that they will be required to use. The cost for the poly cart is included in the $1.81. The contract also included, as part of the $1.81, four bulk trash pick-ups a year. Currently there are two.

All councilmen were present: Brett Entrikin, Jim Luster, Nick Bland, Mayor Nathan Murrell and Cory Gayman. Also present were City Manager Bruce Rogers and City Clerk Kandi Baldwin.

The council approved resolutions 21-06 and 21-07 allowing the engagement of Members Only to perform at the Picnic on Thursday, July 22, for a fee of $2,500 and Midnight Rodeo on  Friday, July 23, for a fee of $1,500.

Rogers said that several golfers had been talking about having a golf course driving range and decided to raise half of the estimated $13,000 to set it up. They have raised $6,700. They will proceed with the process.

He also said the city is now experiencing a cost savings of about $120,000 from the energy pool the city buys from and when the Grain Belt Express is finished the city should see and other $75,000 in savings.

The  council entered into executive session to discuss legal and real estate. There was no report from that session.

Members Only

Midnight Rodeo

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