Special Board Meeting was held on Thursday, June 24, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. in the Hospital Classroom. Those attending were Michelle Leroux, President; David Bozarth, Board Member; Judy  Renn, Secretary/Treasurer; Marvin Manring, Vice-President (by phone); Bryan Breckenridge, Hospital Attorney (by phone); Jana Witt, CEO; Carla Gilbert, Director of Finance; Marie Mitchell, CNO-RN/MSN and Diana Pyle, Recording Board Secretary. Julia Phillips, Board Member, was absent.

The following motion was made: Motion was made by Judy Renn to approve hazard/retention pay to employees (excluding contracted staff) to be paid week of June 27, 2021, with stipulation that employee will remain employed the next 10 pay periods or pay back the hazard/retention payment at a pro-rated amount. Time period covered is June 27 through Nov. 13, 2021. Amount to be paid:  Full time staff – $500; Part-time staff – $250 and PRN staff – $100. The motion was seconded by David Bozarth. All in favor:  Marvin Manring, David Bozarth, Judy Renn and Michelle Leroux. Motion carried.