Taberville Report
by Linda McCallister
Dains Fish Farm
The big stories this week have been the heat and flatheads.
They’ve caught them on trotlines, limblines and rod and reel.
We’ve had couple trotlining in Montrose Lake. They’ve caught a 30 and a 35 lb. flathead and one hook was broken and one straightened out.
So they were going to go back for the big one. They bought big baits – brown carp and big bullheads.
The locals are going for the big ones. They’d rather not catch anything.
Rod and reel fishing. A guy was fishing with nightcrawlers and came up and weighed a 6 lb. flathead.
ElDo report
By Ruth Foreman
R & R Sporting & Tackle
Fishing is so-so.
I guess they are catching crappie like crazy at Stockton. Some people came in while ago to get minnow and told me that.
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