The Cedar County Commission met May 16, 2022. Present were: Marlon Collins, Presiding Commissioner; Don Boultinghouse, Northern Commissioner; Ted Anderson, Southern Commissioner; Heather York, County Clerk.
Met with Assessor Office
Requests to process court order #27698-27708 to add-on the assessed valuation of newly purchased personal property.

Cheryl Marcum stopped in to report that there are now 200 nitrate water tests available for free to the public. Marcum would like to hold a meeting to explain a survey on CAFO’s. June 15th at 7:00 p.m. will be the meeting date for this presentation. Marcum also presented information collected from several other organizations that are bringing water contamination issues up for discussion. There is new concern of how viruses might be spread by waste water from truck washing stations that have hauled animal waste or other contaminants. The only authority DNR has concerning CAFO’s waste noted as “export only” are pertaining to setbacks. In 2014 the federal law changed and no longer registered class 2 permits. At 10:00 a.m. Thursday, DNR will provide their response to the CAFO proposed permit changes.

Received a CAFO permit request for F5 Cattle and Poultry LLC. Public Hearing will be held 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 31, 2022.

Met with Sheriff James McCrary
Weekly Inmate Housing – 43
Numbers are down do to Barton County opening their new jail. County Commission discussed donating the retired maroon transport van to the Stockton Municipal Airport for shuttling services. Jim will remove the radios. The municipality will be required to remove the vehicle lettering in order for the donation to be approved.

Boultinghouse announced Terry Nichols will be the new CEO of the Cedar County Memorial Hospital beginning May 23, 2022.

Roger Van Wagoner, Omer Special Road District Commissioner stopped in to discuss how the revenues for the road district work, as well as status of CR725, Goose Creek Bridge #4460046.

Began examination of ARPA applications; tabled until next week.

Met with DJ Ford, Road and Bridge Supervisor
Request for gravel on CR1550, CR651, and CR676. Request for maintenance on CR1620. Received a thank you on a repair on CR601 and CR150. Graders are currently on Arnica road, and Filley area.

Met with Arlo Rupke, Emergency Management Director
Discussed renewal of the FCC licensing the county now owns for emergency services. Rupke and York will meet later this week to work on the renewal and the commission will determine which fund they will pay this from at a later date.

Motion by Anderson to adopt a policy change to limit training meal reimbursement per person to $12 for breakfast, $16 for lunch, and $25 for dinner, with any overages incurred to the employee; second by Boultinghouse. Anderson – Yes; Boultinghouse – Yes; Collins – Yes This policy becomes effective today, May 16, 2022.

Commission viewed weekly activity report from CCHD.
Commission viewed MAC weekly Legislative Report and MAC County Courier Report.
Commission viewed monthly report for the Sheriff’s Office.
Approved accounts payable and payroll.

Presiding Commissioner, Northern Commissioner, Southern Commissioner

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