On Jan. 19, TOPS met at The Hill Church, 1300 S. Summer. Laura called our meeting to order. Linda led us in singing Take Me Out. We recited our TOPS and KOPS pledges. We had 18 who weighed in today. Our loss for the week was 21.4 pounds and gains of 4 pounds giving us a net loss of 17.4 pounds; a very good report. Our best loser for the week was Warren with 2.4 pounds. Miles reported walked were a total of 379! Great job this week.

Linda presented Constance with her 500 Miles Walked Award. Congratulations Constance on this success!

Laura gave our program today on Making Changes. She handed out house slippers and told us we were to relax and have a SPA Day. After all we should have been busy setting goals, changing our thinking to positive things we can do and being aware of what we’re eating and our portion sizes. Choices have an affect on our mental functions as well as our physical. She gave these STEPS: Start becoming more active, Try different ways to increase our steps, Enjoy your activities. It’s easier that way, Plan ahead and follow your plan, Stay positive even when you have setbacks. A very good program reminding us to be mindful and stay positive. Jan & Constance have our program next week.

Linda C. earned the right to draw in our Marble Game, but didn’t dray the winner.

Linda passed around sign-up sheets for those attending and promotional items available for State Recognition Day which is April 28 & 29 in Springfield. Due to time, she suggested if we are going to have our Potato Luncheon, we need to set a date next week. Possible dates were the 16 or 23. Check your calendars for conflicts.

Laura suggested we have a TOPS 55th Anniversary Open House and walk in April. This Chapter was established on April 16, 1968 and should be recognized. Discussion will continue next week. We’re saddened by the death of our only charter member, Juda Fugate Wosoba who passed on the 15 of February. She will be greatly missed but recognized in this celebration. Our sympathy goes out to her family.

Measurements are again being taken this morning. We’ll find out who lost the most inches and the runner up on our awards day in March.        

Marie will be celebrating her 6-years KOPS anniversary Friday. Congratulations on this accomplishment!

Prayer request: Robbie – stents and not feeling well, Jean’s husband had bone marrow biopsy today and starts chemo injection Friday, Jan is home and doing well! Marie’s knee.

We closed with our motto: If it is to be, it is up to me.

Our chapter meets on Thursday mornings at 8:45 a.m. Come visit us, we’d love to see you there. If you have questions call Laura at 391-1029 or Linda H. at 876-7404.