Letters to the Editor

Grateful for history

Editor: I want to extend my gratitude for allowing Loren Wells to share his fascinating letter about Charlie Silvers and his connection to Silverline Ranch. As someone who appreciates history, Loren, I found your detailed account of Silvers’ remarkable journey as an inventor and businessman to be very insightful regarding the legacy of our local

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The truth about Silverline Ranch

Many times when I have been talking with different people about different subjects, occasionally the subject comes up about how Charlie Silvers (now deceased), owner of Silverline Ranch, made his fortune. The biggest rumor, that they interpret as fact,  is that he won the lottery. Another rumor is that he was flying over that area

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Holiday Safety and Crime Prevention

Editor: As the holiday season approaches, the Cedar County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind residents to remain vigilant in protecting themselves and their property. The holidays are a time for family, celebration, and giving, but unfortunately, they also present an opportunity for criminals to take advantage of people during this busy and distracted time

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Vote yes on Amendment 6

Editor: As the Sheriff of Cedar County, I am writing to express my strong support for Amendment 6, which seeks to reinstate the collection of the $3 court fee for guilty pleas in criminal cases. This modest fee has been a crucial source of funding for the Missouri Sheriffs’ Retirement System since its inception in

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They don’t care about the country

Charlie Kirk said, “They (Dems) don’t car about the county, they don’t care about the wellbeing of the residents.” I think that’s right. They run up the debt spending taxpayer money for immigrants’ living expenses, earmarks for stupid things like paying $65 million for Egyptian students to attend Egyptian colleges, up to $800,000 salary for

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Vote Amendment 6

Editor, As the Sheriff of Cedar County, I am writing to express my strong support for Amendment 6, which seeks to reinstate the collection of the $3 court fee for guilty pleas in criminal cases. This modest fee has been a crucial source of funding for the Missouri Sheriffs’ Retirement System since its inception in

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Please vote

Please vote Nov. 5. If you need to register, you can do it at the Community Center, library, health department or online, and the courthouse. Show proof of residence, and driver’s license; address has to match. Persons who won’t be 18 until Nov. 5, can register at the courthouse. Register by Oct. 9. The Democrat’s

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Editor, Like many people I have been trying to understand this Amendment 3 issue that all of us in Missouri are going to be voting on in the November 5 election. I have read articles, legislative arguments and even posts on Facebook. There are ads on television. There is no escape. It is just shy

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Letters to the Editor

Is the United States to be stolen by communists? Venezuela’s elections have been stolen by Maduro. The last election the opposition party got 70 % of the vote, but he’s still in power. Despite untold riches in gold and oil, Venezuelans suffer with poverty and oppression. Twenty Thousand have fled. Russia, China, Iran and Cuba

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Letter to the Editor

Editor: Most of us believe in an America where everyone had the freedom to thrive. Americans across races and places are rejecting MAGA Republicans who try to decide our futures for us. This election, lets show who we truly are: a place that chooses freedom over control by the few, hope over hatred, moving forward

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