The El Dorado Springs MS/HS play, Parents Just Don’t Understand, was performed in the Old Gym on March 2 (Parent Night), 3, 4, and 5th. The play was under the direction of Tandi Leonard, with Candice Bland assisting. Mrs. Leonard is thrilled to report that an average of 100 audience members were in attendance each night! The play was a family-friendly comedy and plenty of laughter was had among theatergoers. Rave reviews were given to the performance, cast, and crew.
Two theater performances were also given on Tuesday, March 7 for eighth graders and then for fourth and fifth graders. Younger students were taught theater etiquette before getting to watch the show. Students seemed to enjoy the entertainment. Mrs. Leonard appreciated the cooperation of the administration for helping make this opportunity happen.
This is the first time in several years that a full-cast production was performed by El Dorado Springs students. This particular cast and crew consisted of fifteen Middle School students and twenty High School students. High School seniors who participated were Reagan Farr, Leah Dunham, Shay Hamilton, Dusten Evans, Camille Bland, and Tehya Berry.