by Dora Jean McKinley

Marilyn Entrikin is feeling much better now. She went to church Sunday. So glad to hear that.

Danny Hogan came to see Tex McKinley Friday. He helped Tex with his pecan picking equipment. Good neighbors are hard to find. Danny has helped Tex many a time to do things.

Tex McKinley and Dora Jean saw Scott Fox at Wal-Mart. It is a good place to catch up on things friend are doing.

Tersea Brewer was at KFC the other night. She was enjoying fried chicken like Tex and I.

For us it is time to put up pecan picking equipment till next year.

Marilyn Entrikin went to the heart doctor. He did an EKG and ordered more tests. She thinks his favorite word is “test.” Monday, back to the kidney doctor. We are all thinking of you.

Things are slowing down since we are done picking pecans. Back to cleaning house and repairing pecan equipment. Our cats look at us like we are strangers.

Tex and Dora Jean McKinley saw Ron Newton and his wife at the doctor’s office this week. He is in a wheelchair. I hear it slowed him down a bit. These guys are hard to stop, they just keep on going.

Patty Vaaca stopped Tex and Dora Jean McKinley in front of her house. She gave them a large plate of yummy candy. Thank you Patty.

Tex and Dora Jean saw Scott Fox at Wal-Mart. Lots of talking went on.