by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen

Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church was by Pastor Nick Van Dam entitled “The Peace of Christmas” taken from Luke 1:46-55, Christmas Eve services were at 6 p.m.

Mt. Zion Bible study was held in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home Tuesday at 7 p.m. with nine in attendance.

Mt. Zion Club met in the home of Marge Zink for their regular meeting Dec. 21, for carry-in dinner and annual Christmas party, 11 ladies were present. Roll call was favorite Christmas. Gifts were exchanged and enjoyed. Next meeting will be Jan. 17,  at the Marge Zink home.

We wish club member Kathleen Dryer a speedy recovery from her fall.

Santa Claus was seen in Rockville checking the kids as they got off the school bus last week. They must have been good for each got a present thanks to the Rockville Lions Club. Santa thought since it was Thursday, he’ll check out the Rockville Hand Quilters at the church. It was a good thing he did for the ladies who made afternoon coffee were absent and the rest didn’t know how to make coffee with the fancy dangle coffee maker. Santa steped right up and made coffee, the ladies shared their treats and informed Santa they had been good and enjoyed presents too. Santa left wishing us a Merry Christmas, Mrs. Claus was driving the vehicle.

We are cool in the Mt. Zion area as yet not any snow but at the Snethen home they had an inch of snow on Saturday evening then cold temperatures.

Donnie and Charlene Crayton visited in the Howard and Dixie Peterson home.

Dixie Peterson, Marge Zink, Beverly Pelkey and Julia Snethen enjoyed Bunco at the Lowry City Branch of the Library last week.

Brenda Peterson of Richmond spent weekend with family Howard and Dixie Peterson, Marge Zink, Stacy and Mike Griffith.

Family and friends enjoyed Christmas dinner Sunday in the Marge Zink, Stacy and Mike Griffith home.

John and Julia Snethen entertained granddaughter, Shella Akers, David Vandivier and his parents, Larry and Ramona Vandivier, Sunday for brunch and games. They spent Christmas day with son, Ron Thompson, for lunch and games. Ron took Julia to pick up her chickens on Friday and then Saturday he help move some boxes to the basement.

Have a safe and Happy New Year.

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