TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs met in The Hill Church, 1300 S. Summer St, El Dorado Springs on Thursday, March 2, for their regular weigh-in and Annual Awards program.
Today we celebrated TOPS & KOPS weight loss for the year 2022. Each year, recognition is given to those who have lost weight, and those who have maintained their weight.
This year we are celebrating our 55th year as a TOPS Chapter in El Dorado Springs.
KOPS (KEEP OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) – Left to right: Ray Bozarth ,, Laura Hicks Missouri State Queen 2022, Marie Barlow (not pictured) , Linda Hall, Marilyn Dresh, Carol Stubock and Jean Lovewell.
DIVISION WINNERS – from left: Pam Lacuesta, 1st place division 2, Robbie Chase, 1st place Division 3; Rachael Blystone, 2nd place Division 4 and Constance Stevens 1st place Division 1
We are dedicating this year’s awards ceremony to Juda Fugate-Wosoba. Juda was our only remaining Charter Member of our chapter. In 1968, Juda and a few other friends did some research and decided to start a TOPS chapter. Juda remained a faithful TOPS member till her death in 2023.
Our weight recorders, Marilyn and Carol, prepared an awards program today to honor the hard work of the members in their weight loss journey.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) have four different divisions. Each members starting weight at the first of each year determines what division they are placed in. To be a division winner you must lose at least 10 pounds for the year.
Rachael B won 2nd place in Division 4. She lost 11.4 pounds in 2022.
Constance S won 1st place in Division 4; she lost 15.4 pounds in 2022
Robbie C won 1st place in Division 3; she lost 11.4 pounds in 2022
Pam L won 1st place in Division 2; she lost 26.8 pounds in 2022
Stephany C won 1st place in division 1, she lost 14.6 pounds in 2022
KOPS presented a yellow rose to a TOPS member to encourage them to reach their goal and become a KOPS. Back row: from left: Judy Bozarth and Ray Bozarth, Rachael Blystone and Linda Hall, Sue Christy and Marilyn Dresh; front row from left: Linda Clay, Sheryl Brunk and Jean Lovewell, Carol Stubock and Margie Osborn.
KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) was then recognized.
Ray B Joined TOPS in April of 2021, he reached his goal in one week. (He did not need to lose much weight but wanted to support his wife Judy and learn a healthier lifestyle).
Laura H joined TOPS in May of 2019. She reached her goal weight 2 years later losing 120 pounds to goal and becoming Missouri State Queen for 2021!
Marie B joined TOPS in 2000. She reached her goal in 2004 and was our Chapter Queen for that year.
Linda H joined TOPS in 1889. She reached her goal in 2005.
Marilyn D joined TOPS in April of 2011 and reached her goal that same year. She has stayed at her goal weight for 11 years.
Carol S joined TOPS in 2001 and reached her goal in 2002. She was chapter queen in 2002,
Jean L joined TOPS in 2004 and reached her goal a year later. She was Chapter Queen runner up that year. She has stayed at her goal weight for 17 years.
In closing each KOPS presented a TOPS with a yellow rose. This is an encouragement for each TOPS to reach their goal weight in the coming year.
It was noted by Carol that Juda Fugate-Wosoba kept the chapter going for 55 years, it is up to us to continue her legacy.
It’s weight loss, done right.
For 75 years, TOPS Club has helped people take off, and keep off, the weight. We are all about doing things by the book – we have strong ties to the medical community, and believe in healthy living from the inside, out. It is a holistic approach to wellness. No fad diets. No gimmicks. No shortcuts. With us, it all comes down to accountability, unwavering support, and top-tier resources.
Are you …
* Ready for a healthier lifestyle?
* Feeling ignored by your current program?
* Not getting the support that you need?
* Open to the idea of committing to yourself?
* Craving a stronger network of people who have similar goals as you?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, TOPS is ready for you. We were the first weight loss organization of this kind when we opened our “doors” in 1948. And we intend to stick around the longest. If you commit to us, we’ll commit to you.
For more information, call Linda Hall at 417 876 7404, TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at
Come and join us.
TOPS #MO 9319 meets each Thursday morning in the “Hill Church” 1300 S. Summer, El Dorado Springs. Weigh-in starts at 7:45 a.m. the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. and is over by 10 a.m.
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