Picnic Armband Winners

     Found on a utility pole at Pogo’s. Found under the “Picnic Bench” in front of Community Bank. Found under the mailbox at the Wayside Inn Museum. Found taped to a fire hydrant at the ball park. Found in a drain on the west side of the Park.

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Land-O-Lakes Youth Fair Winners

Youth Fair royalty NOW THE WORK BEGINS – The Land O Lakes Youth Fair crowned its royalty Tuesday, evening, July 11. Then the three winners had the responsibility of assisting with the awarding of trophies during the Fair. Lauren Ford, escorted by her father, Brian (Victoria), was crowned the 2017 Youth Fair Queen. Rhielyn Nichols,

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A Purpose For Little Fish

A grandfather who has lots of grandkids can put them to a great advantage if he loves to fish for catfish. That’s because you need lots of bait for trotlines and limb-lines, and small sunfish are just about the best bait you can get. And kids love to catch ‘em. My grandfather only had one

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Avoid heat-related illness

Even if you think you’re getting used to the sweltering weather, you need to watch out for signs of heat-related illness. Forms of heat-related illness include heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, says Tammy Roberts, University of Missouri Extension nutrition and health education specialist. Heat cramps are usually a result of heavy sweating, sometimes

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Before sustainability was cool

by Rebecca French Smith The word “sustainability” has become a buzz word, but the truth is, sustainability is not simple. For farmers and ranchers, it looks different farm to farm, crop to livestock. While the specifics depend on who you ask, the definition of sustainability revolves around four key areas: soil, air, water and habitat.

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Zinnia: From eye sickness to eye candy

In the search for a colorful annual flower that can handle the rigors of a typical Missouri summer, zinnia ranks high on the list, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. “Zinnias are great flowers for Missouri gardens for several reasons,” said Trinklein. “They adore heat—which is a real plus for a garden plant

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Register for Talent Contest

Judi is still accepting registrations for the 2017 talent contest which will begin at 8:30 Thursday. July 20; however, there is a very limited number of positions left. Judi will have a short waiting list if anyone drops out. Contact Judi by calling 417/876-2691. Auditions are not needed; however, advance registration is required. It is

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Versatile tomato a summer delight

Though technically the tomato is a fruit, it was officially categorized as a vegetable for taxation purposes in an 1893 Supreme Court ruling, and it has been gaining popularity as a vegetable ever since. The USDA reports that tomatoes are the second most commonly consumed vegetable in the US, second only to potatoes.  Americans consume

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Savvy Senior®

Help for seniors with bladder control problems Dear Savvy Senior, What are the best treatments recommended to help seniors with bladder control problems? Leaking Linda Dear Linda, Incontinence is very common in older adults. According to the CDC, more than half of women and 30 percent of men ages 65 and older are affected by

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ELDO FFA OFFICERS ATTEND LEAD CONFERENCE – LEAD Conference was held on May 30 in Neosho at Crowder College. The Missouri FFA Association hosts this event for chapter officers across the state so students are prepared to lead in their home chapters during the school year. All FFA officers attended this fun leadership conference in

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