TOPS hears steps to change

TOPS Chapter 319 El Dorado Springs met in the Church Of Christ Meeting room on Thursday, Dec. 29. Robbie had the program today. She took her program from the TOPS Choice Is Mine book. She talked about taking control over what we eat. With the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, we all

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Painters celebrate 50th

Rick and Ann Painter celebrated 50 years of marriage together on Dec. 31, 2016. They were married on Dec. 31, 1966, in Schereville, IN. They have five children – Julie Painter (Brad Weaver), Janeen Painter (Fawn Monaghan), Dennis Painter and wife, Sarah, Jason Painter (Lisa McIntire) and Eric Painter and wife, Francie; 13 grandchildren –

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Leedy’s celebrate 60th anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leedy, Billings, MT, recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Roy Leedy and Mary Barger were married on De. 23, 1956, in their home east of El Dorado Springs. They left El Dorado Springs in the spring of 1961 and moved to Billings, MT. They have two daughters, Christine and Marla; five

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News from Harwood and area

Madalyn’s Kitchen, south of Schell City, will be closed on Saturday, Jan. 28 for her youngest grandson’s birthday party. She said she will have a steak dinner from 5-8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13. Jewell and Helen Ellerman and a friend, Rosie Taylor, had dinner at the Cedar House Grill at El Dorado Springs Sunday, Jan.

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Wonderous Christmas dinner at Sugarfoot

by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen Christmas morning at the Rockville United Methodist Church by Pastor Nick Van Dam was titled “A Christmas Gift.” Pastor Bill and Lori Van Dam, Pastor Nick’s parents, lit the advent candle. Christmas Eve services were well attended, always loved the candle lighting service and the old fashion sack of

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Gardening to distraction

Chili Fun We all have them, a special chili recipe with a special ingredient of some sort. There are even chili cook-offs that feature beer, chocolate, peanut butter, or that secret ingredient I can’t tell you about because if I did it wouldn’t be a secret any more. The toppings are almost as much fun.

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The Rock Wall

Here we are just about to step into 2017. I remember, as most of you likely do, that some would-be prophets thought the world would end when the calendar turned from 19 to 20. And they said the computers couldn’t handle the turn over. I checked that out by lying to my computer – changing

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No ETA yet on burned sub-station

On Tuesday, the Sun spoke with El Dorado Springs City Manager Bruce Rogers about the destroyed electrical sub-station, vandalism in the Park and status of the city. Q. I heard there was $900 damage to Christmas lights in the Park before the lighting ceremony. “Yes, somebody got in there and vandalized stuff.” Q. Catch anybody

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Filing deadline Jan. 17

Cedar County Clerk Peggy Kenney wishes to remind everyone that the last day to file as a candidate for the April 4, 2017, Municipal Election is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17. Anyone interested in filing for a position on the Ambulance Board, Hospital Board, Chapel Hills Fire District or the Special Road Districts may do

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Public invited 10 a.m. Friday Parson to deliver ‘Purple Heart’ plaque

Senator Mike Parson will be at the Cedar County courthouse at 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 30. During his visit he will place the “Purple Heart” plaque on the memorial wall in the lobby of the courthouse. This plaque designates Cedar  as a  “Purple Heart”  County, an honor for which the county applied. The county commission

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