MoDOT seeks proposals for ‘Smart Highways’

As a part of its “Road to Tomorrow” initiative, the Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking proposals for a pilot project to incorporate innovative technology into a Missouri roadway that potentially could generate new revenue streams for transportation. The project will evaluate if “smart pavement” can make roads sustainably self-funded by providing value-added wireless services

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ElDo Homecoming 2016

East Newton Patriots V S. El Dorado Springs Bulldogs Schedule of Events Thursday, Sept. 29th 5:30 – 5:45 p.m. Parade line-up on East Fields 6:00 p.m.   Parade on Main Street 7:30 p.m.   Bonfire at Fugate Motors Friday, Sept. 30th 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. FFA Chili Supper 6:30 p.m. Homecoming coronation 7:00 p.m. Kickoff!

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Savvy Senior®

Cheap cellphone plans for seldom calling senoirs Dear Savvy Senior What are the cheapest cellphone options available to seniors today who only want one for emergency purposes or occasional calls? I have a cellphone now that cost me $30 per month, but I hate paying for something I hardly ever use. Infrequent Caller Dear Infrequent,

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Gardening after 50 is golden with right tools

The right tools and techniques can make gardening after 50 golden, says University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist Todd Lorenz. Gardening after 50 should not be “trowel and error,” he says. Lorenz and Missouri AgrAbility Program state director Karen Funkenbusch suggest ways gardeners can use ergonomics to prevent muscle and joint pain. Ergonomics is the

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5 ideas for celebrating grandparents and forging deeper bonds with family

There’s no arguing grandparents have special relationships with their grandchildren. Whether they are a couple hours’ drive away or a flight across the country, distance doesn’t dissolve this bond. National Grandparents Day happens every September, but grandparents and families shouldn’t have to limit the celebration to just one day of the year. Here are five

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SCHELL CITY ROYALTY- Schell City crowned their royalty to reign over the Fall Festival earlier this  month. (From left)  Lil Prince Bladen Haddix, Lil Princess Liya Bailey-Thompson, Queen Ruth Ijams, Princess Haley Elliot and Prince Treyton Pippin.

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Coale-Burrus-Conner-James reunion

On Sunday, Sept 11, 2016, the Coale-Burrus-Conner-James Reunion was held at the Lion’s Club in El Dorado Springs with 57 in attendance. Kenny Hubbard asked the blessing before a basket dinner. Following the meal and visiting, Brent Livengood acted as emcee. The first order of business was the prizes for: • the youngest in attendance:

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CCHS QUILT WINNER – Jackie Melton, of rural Springfield, won the quilt raffled by the Cedar County Historical Society at the Black Walnut Festival on Sept. 24.  The quilt was sewn by Shirley Hedges-Potts, a member of the Historical Society.  The quilt pattern has no name. Shirley stated that she just started sewing and the

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NEOMA FOREMAN HONORED – At the  Tuesday, Sept. 20,  Vernon-Cedar County Genealogy Society meeting held in Nevada, Marty Patton (left)  presented Neoma Foreman with an Award Of Merit from the Missouri State Genealogical Association.  Neoma recently completed “The Walker Herald Books.” She has written four other historical books, compiled local veterans’ stories and has been

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