Front Page

R-II Board approves a balanced budget

When El Dorado Springs R-II Superintendent Mark Koca presented the proposed 2016-17 budget to the board Thursday evening, June 23, he had a slight smile on his face as he announced that for the first time in the five years he has been at the helm, it is a balanced budget. In fact, the bottom

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T-shirt give-away rescheduled

FIRST T-SHIRT – In between the rain drops Friday evening, El Dorado Springs 5th grader Kelsi Hunt, accompanied by her mom, Jennifer Kleine, came to the Sunderwirth Bandstand to claim the first  Downtown Tunes T-Shirt handed out by Vicki Hillsman, band volunteer. Kelsi and about 50 of her summer school schoolmates had attended the field

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Special Road Board meets

The El Dorado Springs Special Road District board convened its regular monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 28, in the district headquarters building on South First Street in El Dorado Springs. All members were present: Ron Swopes, Mike Bush and Lalan Cole – presiding. The district bookkeeper, Linda Breeden, was present. Cole said that

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Speech team competes at Nationals

Two sophomores from El Dorado Springs High School recently traveled to Salt Lake City, UT, to compete at the National Speech and Debate Tournament held June 12-17. Caleb Alexander and Caleb Miller competed in a total of 25 rounds of competition and both advanced to the top 40 in the nation. These speech team students

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Wilbur’s 54th show

IT ATTRACTS ‘EM – Dederick hasn’t seen such a crowd since… Wilbur Charbonneau’s free fireworks show last year and 52 years before that. On Tuesday evening, June 21, cars, pickups, dune buggies and motorcycles lined both sides of Hwy. 54 and onto Hwy. AA north and Hwy. K south of Hwy. 54. If there had

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Landlords address rumor about rental property

Several local landlords were present at the El Dorado Springs City Council on Monday, June 20, to voice their oppositions to a possible ordinance that would require them to have their property inspected by the city between renters. Councilmen Jim Luster, Randy Bland, Jerry Baldwin and Mayor Brad True were present as was City Manager

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Show and tell for CCAD

BOARD SEES LIFESAVING TOOLS – Cedar County Ambulance District Manager Tom Ryan brought some lifesaving and back saving tools to the June 20 board meeting so the board could see what they have recently purchased. The biggest purchase at $17,000 each was two Stryker battery powered cots (one for El Dorado Springs and one for

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Celebrate Freedom needs your input

This is the final call for information about local military personnel to include in the Celebrate Freedom edition which runs next week. Please send a pix and write-up to or bring the information by the Sun office at 125 N. Main. Don’t be left out.

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Ambulance Board holds short meeting

The Monday, June 20, meeting of the Cedar County Ambulance District board was short, sweet and to the point. With only five members on the board currently, more than a quorum was present with four members at the table – Kenny Turner, Katie White, Sue Rice and John Wilson – presiding. Lisa Ringler was absent.

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Meetings set to discuss Missouri farm financial stress

Financial issues and stresses in farm country will be discussed in seven meetings across Missouri in July. “The meetings will gather information rather than tell economic outlooks,” says Scott Brown, University of Missouri economist. The Missouri Department of Agriculture and MU Extension join in talks with agricultural stakeholders. Farmers, agribusiness leaders and farm organization members

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