Submitted by Lana Sue Jones

Our Oct.11 Twentieth Century Club meeting was hosted by Evelyn Boyle, co-hosted by Glenda Ware.

President Georgia Detwiler called the meeting to order. Committee reports; from membership was our voting on electing our new member and entertainment was to decide on our program for the December meeting.

Old business was voting on the new member. New business was the announcement of our new member. The secretary will notify our new member by letter and invite her to our next meeting in November. A motion was made to send our donation to the Christmas basket fund.

The opinion was given by Georgia Detwiler on today’s social media and their impact on the public, whether in a good or negative way. Should there be a regulation on what is put on the media?

Evelyn Boyle presented the program on composers and Broadway musicals. The number one Broadway musical was Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Webber in 1986. She gave information on Rogers and Hammerstein, and George and Ira Gershwin, composers.

The Gershwin’s wrote Lady Be Good, and Rogers and Hammerstein produced the following popular Broadway musicals in 1940-1950 during the “golden age” of musical theater. Their five most successful were Oklahoma, Carousel, South Pacific, The King and I, and Sound of Music. Oklahoma, in 1943, was the most important musical theater production of the 20th Century and it brought about changes for future musicals.

Meeting was adjourned to enjoy delicious refreshments.

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