The Cedar County Ambulance Board met Monday, June 15, in the district headquarters at 19 Englewood, Stockton, with all members present except one, Robert Graves. Present were Rusty Noval – chairman, Nadine Sinclair – vice chairman, Keith Kosco – sec/treasurer, Evelyn Boyle and Diana Johnson.

CPA Kalena Bruce presented the financial report for May. She asked that a member of the board contact Heritage Bank and get amount of interest being p aid on CDs the board ha there as they will not tell her.

The Cedar County Commissioners told the board about money released to Cedar County to offset Covid 19 related expenses. They said there will be another meetin at the courthouse later to discuss the matter further.

Manager Tom Ryan said all ambulances are running. A Freon leak in the AC has been fixed. The ice machine is still broken and waiting on a part.

The board received a preliminary presentation on ambulances made by Chevrolet, Ford and Dodge. The board has no plans to make a purchase until 2021, but may want to order earlier to lock in a price.