Exciting news. CCMH Hospital has added several doctors to the specialty clinic so that patents can receive services closer to home. The list and dates were included in at least one of the local newspapers to help everyone keep up to date on what’s available locally. Because of those changes, the auxiliary board voted to adjust the hours of operation for the gift shop. We will now be open on Thursday afternoons instead of Wednesday beginning February 15.
For safety, the hospital has installed a “fire door” at the gift shop entrance. It has a nice sized window so passers-by can check out the merchandise, and the volunteers working the desk can see folks passing in the hallway. The board will add signage soon to list the new hours of operation. So, the door may be closed, but the shop may be open! A small open/closed sign has been placed on a hook outside the door.
The committee will be meeting this week to place an order for spring merchandise but until then, the shop is full of lovely Valentine’s Day gift ideas including cards and candy! Hours are still 1 to 4 on Monday, Tuesday, (soon to be -Thursday), and Friday. Stop in and shop for a thank you gift for a kind neighbor or teacher or special family member. The gift shop put an advisory in place this week. We have not had any problems but wish to be pro-active. The gift shop will take local checks only, up to the amount of $30.
Thank you for all the great books that have been donated to the gift shop. We are not taking more at this time. They are paper back and hard back. There are a few cook books and travel books. The gift shop price is 3 books for $1.00. Come in and shop!
Although it was very successful last year, due to circumstances beyond our control, the board voted NOT to hold a Valentine’s Day Bake Sale, much to everyone’s disappointment! We are considering holding the spring bake sale in March but no decisions have been made.
At last year’s General Meeting, membership approved the auxiliary’s annual donation to the hospital to be used to purchase recliners for the patient’s rooms. Due to a drastic increase in price, that purchase is on hold and another choice may need to be made. We are looking into a different model or brand that might be approved. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
March 21 is the date for the next General membership meeting. Please save the date.
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