The El Dorado Springs R-2 School Board met for the executive meeting Aug. 25
The meeting was convened at 6:45 p.m. in the Library
Members Present: J. Jacobs, M. Schmitt, N. Murry, C. Carpenter, RJ Kinnett-6:52 and J. Floyd.
MOTION FY 2022-23 #6I
Mr. Burley moved and Mr. Jacobs seconded a motion to go into Executive Session.
Roll call vote
Yeas: Jacobs, Carpenter, Murry, Schmitt, Floyd, Burley
Nays: None
MOTION FY 2022-23 #7I
Mr. Carpenter moved and Mr. Schmitt seconded a motion to put an offer on Real Estate Property.
Roll call vote.
Yeas: Jacobs, Carpenter, Murry, Kinnett, Schmitt, Floyd, Burley
Nays: None
MOTION FY 2022-23 #I8
Mr. Schmitt moved and Mr. Jacobs seconded a motion to approve Logan Friar as a volunteer MSIHS Cross Country Coach. Roll call vote.
Yeas: Jacobs, Carpenter, Murry, Kinnett, Schmitt, Floyd, Burley
Nays: None
MOTION FY 2022-23 #9I
Mr. Carpenter moved and Mr. Murray seconded a motion to adjourn Executive
Roll call vote
Yeas: Jacobs, Schmitt, Carpenter, Murry, Kinnett, Floyd, Burley.

Minutes of regular meeting Aug. 25.
The meeting was called into order at 7:00 p.m. by President Josh Floyd in the Library
Members Present: C. Carpenter, M. Schmitt, RJ Kinnett, N. Murry, J. Jacobs, J. Floyd and M. Burley.
MOTION FY 2022-23 #9I
Mr. Carpenter moved and Mr. Schmitt seconded a motion to go into Open Session.
Approved 7-0
MOTION FY 2022-23 #20
Mr.Carfpenter moved and Mr. Schmitt seconded a motion to approve the Consent
Agenda(Agenda, Minutes, Bill Payment and Transfers). Approved 7-0
MOTION FY 2022-23 #21
Mr. Burley moved and Mr. Murry seconded a motion to accept approval of the Proposed
Tax Rate. Approved 7-0
MOTION FY 2022-23 #22
Mr. Schmitt moved and Mr. Jacobs seconded a motion for the Authorization of the
Escrow Agreement. Approved 7-0
MOTION FY 2022-23 #23
Mr. Schmitt moved and Mr. Carpenter seconded a motion for the Authorization of the
Continuing Disclosure Agreement. Approved 7-0
MOTION FY 2022-23 #24
Mr. Kinnett moved and Mr. Murry seconded a motion to accept Bids on Surplus Property.
Approved 7-0
MOTION FY 2022-23#25
Mr. Murry moved and Mr. Kinnett seconded a motion to adjourn. Approved 7-0.

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