Despite the rain on Sunday morning, January 22, attendance was good at First Christian Church. Worship Leader Kathy Dains welcomed everyone and read scripture from Psalm 8:1-9 and 145:1-9. Deanna Johnston led the singing, with Marilyn Easley on the organ and Claudine Pope on the piano. Steve Singleton served as elder.

Pastor Jack gave the Young Disciples’ message. He and the children talked about contests and winners. Jalen, youth pastor, had charge of Children’s church.

Pastor Jack titled his sermon, “God is the Greatest.” God is always on duty. Great is the Lord. We don’t rely enough on God. Jack mentioned several well-known sinful people in the Bible who were forgiven by God. If we ask for forgiveness we will receive it. God is greater than our greatest sin. Never doubt the greatness of God. God is so great!

A fellowship dinner in our new fellowship hall followed regular worship. The food was delicious, and the event was well attended. During the fellowship time, Pastor Jack recognized all the new people who had placed their membership in the church in 2016. The names of those who had passed on to Glory also were mentioned.

The Christian Men’s Fellowship enjoyed a sack supper and meeting on Monday evening, January 23. All the men of the church were invited to attend.

Next Sunday is the 5th Sunday of the month, and the youth will have charge of the worship service. Come and support our Young Disciples.

NEW FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEMBERS IN 2016 – Front row from left: Jody Nations, David Nations Jr., Jacob Bonnett and Tammy Gloodt. Back row from left: Sue Hambird, Ambersosia Nations, Aiden Hunt, David Nations Sr., Amanda Nations, Lois Lowery, Bill Wroten, William Rowan, Steve Singleton and Darren Adell.

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