Answering Emails: When to Plant?

“When do you plant beets? I’m new at this gardening thing but have bought and pickled beets for years. I think I might try planting my own this year. Any advice? Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

– Terri

Hi, Terri, University of Missouri Extension has a wonderful guide on when to plant and what varieties work best, here is a link to their guide:  “When do I plant lettuce and onions and tomatoes? This is my first year to put in a garden and I’m very excited. I enjoy reading your columns and your winter tomato plant has me encouraged….” – Philip

Hi, Philip, good for you, those are all easy vegetables to plant, especially for a beginning gardener. You can plant lettuce now, most lettuce varieties prefer the cool spring weather. You can also plant onions now, I just scattered a few around my roses to keep bugs away. It’s a little early for tomatoes outside but if you want to get them started from seed inside, you can try to get them started in seed pots.

If not, wait to buy an established tomato plant and keep it going through this summer. Then take one of the fruits, plant it, and take one of the starts to bring into the house in the fall and have it winter over with you.

My tomato plant, Miriam, it still doing quite well, she’s ripening about a dozen cherry tomatoes at the moment. I try not to look so that I am not tempted to eat them before they are ripe.

“I want to grow pumpkins this year. Is it too early to plant some? I saved seeds from one from last year.” – Sarah

Hi, Sarah, yes it’s a little early to get started on pumpkins, Those are one of the last crops you will plant after the last danger of frost around Mother’s Day in May.

Do you have an area where the plants can sprawl? Pumpkins needs a lot of room. They also would appreciate soil rich in compost so if you haven’t added compost yet, you still have time to get some added before you plant the area.

I usually recommend waiting at least 6 months after adding manure or other soil amendments before planting but compost added in the spring absorbs faster and doesn’t burn plants like fertilizer and some un-aged manures can.

“My boyfriend gave me a little miniature rose for Valentine’s Day. Can I plant it outside?” – Rachel

Hi, Rachel, what a lovely gift. I would wait until after Mother’s Day in May, then set your miniature rose out for a few hours a day and gradually add a couple of hours until it has been outside for a whole day before planting it outside.

Remember to give it some banana peels, egg shells and used coffee grounds in the bottom of the hole before you plant it and you will get it off to a very nice start growing outside.

Charlotte Ekker Wiggins is a beekeeper, gardener and sometimes cook. Published by El Dorado Springs Sun once in print and online with author’s permission. Copyright 2017, all rights reserved. This column may not be reprinted, republished or otherwise distributed without author’s permission. Contact Charlotte at gardeningcharlotte at gmail dot com.

GIFT OF LOVE – Gift miniature roses should be planted outside after the danger of frost and after they’ve been acclimated to being outside for a few days. This peach miniature rose will be moving outside later this year to join other miniature roses in my garden.

WARMTH LOVER – Tomatoes are also a plant that grows best outside after the danger of frost, usually around Mother’s Day in May. This cherry tomato has spent this winter inside in one of my bay windows. (Photos by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins).

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