by Connie Maupin
The meeting was held at the Cedar County Museum in Stockton on Aug. 28. Those present were: President Judy Nichols, Vice President Chris Barber, Secretary Connie Maupin, Treasurer Anna Hopkins, Virginia Barber, Ellis Benham, Joe Phillips, Bob Phillips and Laura Elliston.
Chris and Virginia Barber are working on plans for the next program. They are talking with Kaitlyn McConnell who writes for the “Ozarks Alive” project.
The Chair storage rack, drop file frames and quilt display rod have all arrived and have been put to use.
Chris and Virginia Barber have been acquiring gift cards and certificates for the Black Walnut Festival raffle basket. The current total stands at over $500 from local merchants. The basket will be designed and donated by Abbie Haden at Abbie’s Burlap Basket and will be displayed in the museum. Raffle tickets will be available at the Historical Society booth in the park and at the museum.
Santa Paula Awning has measured for new front doors at the museum.
The Society by-laws need to be reviewed soon.
The Society is still collecting Best Choice, Best Choice Selections and Best Choice Clearly food labels and used computer printer cartridges. They can be mailed to P.O. Box 111, Stockton, MO 65785.
The museum Niche continues to grow, thanks to all those who generously donate items. Items MUST be clean and usable. Electronics must be in working order. No cloths or shoes will be accepted. Donations are greatly appreciated.
Donations to the museum research library: Jillayne Ritchie donated Family History Stories of the Swisher Family that she and her grandmother have written. Bob Phillips donated various school photos from Humansville, 1952-1954. a probate record of John Clemmons Phillips who migrated here from Tennessee, a photo of Bill LeAn and dog Traveler and a notebook from an El Dorado Springs book sale which list names of past members of the Tri-County Genealogical Society.
The museum will be open September 2 and September 16, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sept. 25 from 1 to 4 p.m. The next meeting will be at 1 p.m. Sept. 25. The museum will also be open during the Black Walnut Festival for their annual “White Elephant Sale” and free museum tours from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sept. 29 and 30
The museum is located at 106 West Davis Street in Stockton. Admission is always free. For information, appointments, membership inquiries or to purchase publications call 417-276-1142, by email at, on Facebook at “Cedar County Mo Historical Society” or by mail at P.O. Box 111, Stockton, MO 65785.
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