Sunday, April 5 is a Palm Sunday to be remembered for First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in El Dorado Springs. Thirty-one cars and a total of 66 people followed “Jesus” into the town of not Jerusalem, but El Dorado Springs. Church family and friends met at the local Ehlers’ Variety store to parade all the way down Main Street to the church. The procession included Jesus riding on a Segway followed by folks in their vehicles waving palm branches, signs, and honking their horns with Hallelujahs. At least four other churches were represented in the parade, including Nevada Disciples. We wanted our worship to be an experience similar to those crowds in ancient Biblical times on Palm Sunday, but we also wanted it to be real for the world today. Since the real world today includes the Coronavirus, Jesus wore an N95 mask to set an example for all of us as 2020 Christians to keep ourselves safe as we fulfill our call to serve the Lord.   

With Missouri’s Stay at Home order beginning Monday, April 6 at 12:01 a.m., this was the last time the congregation will be able to join together in person in the church parking lot for a while. Because the church Wi-Fi was not strong enough to live stream in the sanctuary of the church, the board and church members had to come up with creative ideas for “social distancing” worship. Drive-In services have been keeping the church in an active faith community through these past weeks.

Since Churches are not included in the “Essentials” category but are essential to our lives, we will move forward with creating videos and posting them on YouTube. The downfall of this modern means of worshipping is that many of our members don’t have computers at home or possess smartphones. We will, however, continue to move forward in our praises to the Lord and we will celebrate Easter with a video that will be taped at a local cave and out at the city cemetery. Stayed tuned for, “The Tomb Wasn’t Really Empty” posted on our Facebook page Easter morning.