Donations – $2,495; Plots purchased – $700; interest – $152.29; Balance Dec. 31, 2023 – $3,479.58.
CDs – $23,400.
Chemicals, grave flags – $168.90; stamps – $13.20; Bank box – $10; Taxes Kearny CO KS – $29.29; Mowing – $2,800.
Donations received for :Dianna Lutes, Shannon Gray Thaver, Kent and Doris Fortney, Janice Fortney, Annabel Yockey, Bennie and Linda Salkil, Mildred Greenstreet, Terry and LaDonna Forsythe, Wayne and Wanda Worthington, Tom Tough, James Coleman, Sue and Lloyd Stone, Delores and Jerry Evans, Ruby Fields, Kathy and Jackie Jones, Kenny Messick, Lural and Nancy Mays, Beverly Marquis, Janet Marshall.
Thanks to all who made donations to help with the cemetery upkeep. Also, thank you to Mike McCullick, Quentin Bland and children, Scotty Scott and Bennie Salkil for their help on our cemetery work day.
Donations may be sent to: Linda Salkil, 721 S. 1125 Rd., El Dorado Springs, MO 64744.
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