Q: My fourteen-year-old son is getting bad acne. Any advice?

A: Acne is a problem that shows up as blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. It often affects the face, neck and upper body. It occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog the skin pores.It usually starts during teenage years, and may last into adulthood. Gentle cleansing every day controls most of it. If home treatment does not work, the doctor may prescribe creams, antibiotics or a stronger medicine called Isotretinoin. Sometimes, birth control pills help women who have acne, as well. Have him gently wash his face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap. Rinse well. Use benzoyl peroxide gel, and he will have to use it for two months before he can see improvement. Do not squeeze the pimples. This can cause scarring. Use only oil-free sunscreen and other skin care products that will not clog his pores. If the home treatment hasn’t helped after two months, it would be best to come in.

Dr. Rick Casey

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