Q: I have diabetes and have developed burning pain in my feet, and it hurts to walk. What is wrong?

A: Neuropathic pain is caused by damage to the nerves. Some feel this all the time, and with others it comes and goes. It makes the skin sensitive to pressure or other sensations. Things that did not hurt before may now cause pain. Anxiety and depression seem to make the problems worse, which may need to be addressed. Treatment can help and may include medication, exercise or physical therapy. There are medications that reduce the number of pain signals that travel over the nerves and decrease pain that way. Other things that can help are to quit smoking, lower your blood sugar or blood pressure. You can do things for yourself, such as leaving hard tasks for days when you have less pain.

Keep moving- gentle exercise and walking is good. Include stretches and range of motion exercises. Be sure to take breaks, relax and reduce stress. Try heat, cold packs and massage. Eat plenty of fiber, drink water and get an adequate amount of sleep. Be sure to come in if your pain is getting worse, or if you cannot sleep because of the pain.

Dr. Rick Casey