TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs met in The Preferred Family Healthcare building, 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs on Thursday, July 20, for their regular weigh-in and meeting.

Laura, our leader, called the meeting to order.

Carol led us in singing “Take Off Pounds”

We said our TOPS & KOPS Pledges

Laura led us in roll call; 19 members weighed in. The chapter had a loss of 6.2 lbs. and a gain of 3.8 with a net Loss of 2.4 lbs.

Best loser for the week was Juanita, she lost 1.8 lbs. Congrats.

Six months measuring started today, see Laura if you want to get measured.

A new contest will be discussed next week.

Carol had the program today; she spoke first from the TOPS Magazine about keeping healthy and cool in the summer. Hydrate, Hydrate!  Going in and out of A/C is very hard on your body. If you must be outside try to stay in the shade and wear a hat.  Remember fruit has a high-water content so drink lots of water and eat all the fresh fruit you can.  Second part of her program was a continuation of Marilyn’s program last week. After exercise you need to stretch the muscles gently to prevent muscle spasms. Marilyn demonstrated several stretching moves we can use.

Thank you, Carol, and Marilyn, for a great program.

Sue asked if we could consider having a short exercise session at the beginning of our meetings like we used to do.

It was noted there are free range of motion classes at the community center on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The hours are 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Also, Angela Kenny does yoga classes at her shop. See her for hours and cost.

Marble Game: There is $44.50 in the pot. Sue won the right to draw but did not get the winning one.

Laura read a letter from Randy, about “Seeds of Hope” this will be a seminar on obesity prevention, it will be held NEXT YEAR Aug. 1 – 3 in the Oasis Convention Center in Springfield. Rooms are available at $114 + tax per night.

Remember, instillation of officers next week. Photos will be taken

With no other business meeting was adjourned with our motto


It’s weight loss, done right.

For 75 years, TOPS Club has helped people take off, and keep off, the weight. We are all about doing things by the book – we have strong ties to the medical community, and believe in healthy living from the inside, out. It is a holistic approach to wellness. No fad diets. No gimmicks. No shortcuts. With us, it all comes down to accountability, unwavering support and top-tier resources.

Are you …

· Ready for a healthier lifestyle?

· Feeling ignored by your current program?

· Not getting the support that you need?

· Open to the idea of committing to yourself?

· Craving a stronger network of people who have similar goals as you?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, TOPS is ready for you. We were the first weight loss organization of this kind when we opened our “doors” in 1948. And we intend to stick around the longest. If you commit to us, we’ll commit to you.

For more information call Linda Hall at 417 876 7404, TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at

Come and join us.