TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs met in The Preferred Family Healthcare building, 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs on Thursday, March 7, for their regular weigh-in and meeting.
Warren, our leader, called the meeting to order.
Carol led us in singing “Rock Off the Pounds.”
We said our TOPS & KOPS Pledges.
Warren led us in roll call, 22 members weighed in. The chapter had a gain of 10.8 lbs. and a loss of 12.6 pounds which gave us a net loss of 1.6 pounds.
The week’s best loser was Sue with a loss of 3 lbs. Congratulations Sue. Other good losses were Rachael 1.2, Kaylin 1.6 and Stephany 3.6 (for 3 weeks).
Linda Hall presented the awards for February. First, she had an award that had been overlooked; Laura received her two-year KOPS award she won in August.
Kaelin was the month’s best loser with a loss of nine pounds for the month. Kaelin won $22 for her efforts. Congratulations Kaelin.
Winner of free dues was Juanita.
We welcomed Connie as a new member with a new member certificate and pin. Laura received a “bring a friend certificate and pin” for inviting Connie to our chapter.
Thank you, Linda, for doing the awards for us.
Marble game: Stephany won the right to draw but did not get the winning one. There is $51.50 in the pot.
Margie will have the program next week.
Laura presented an idea for the next contest. It is from the recent issue of TOPS News, titled “Busy Bees.” She suggested we will have a KOPS team with a TOPS, each week there will be a set of five incentives you can do to earn a bee. This contest is outlined in the current TOPS NEWS on page SP2. This was tabled till next week after members have had time to look it over, we will vote on it next week.
Linda H went over some SRD items. You can invite friends to attend SRD if you wish, they must pay the regular registration. You must have your badge to get into any of the sessions. We will have several members in the activities; Past State Royalty, Laura State Queen 2021.
TOPS military members: Warren and Laura.
KOPS Alumni: Jean, Marilyn, Laura, Judy B, Marie, and Linda H.
Then and Now: Laura.
Century award: Laura.
Baked Potato Luncheon: Our Annual Baked Potato Luncheon is coming up on Thursday March 21. It will be at the El Dorado Springs Community Center in the Banquet room. We will serve baked potatoes with all the trimmings and dessert and coffee or tea from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is the same as last year, $10.
With no other business meeting was adjourned with our motto
For more information call Linda Hall at 417 876 7404,. TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at
Come and join us.
TOPS #MO 9319 meets each Thursday morning in the “Preferred Family Healthcare building at 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs. Weigh-in starts at 7:45 a.m. the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. and is over by 10 a.m.
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