TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) met in the Church of Christ Meeting Room Thursday, March 22. Leader, Sheryl Ann Walker called the meeting to order. Carol led us in singing “Rock Off The Pounds”
We said our pledges. Then Marilyn led us in a series of exercises.
Carol passed out a sheet asking members to fill out for Recognition Day. Each member is asked to name someone in the chapter who has helped them, motivated them or has been a role model. Please fill out and return to Carol at next week’s meeting.
Sheryl Ann led us in roll call. We are now giving miles walked during roll call so Jean can keep a log for the Gold Star Chapter. Jean has asked we also keep our own log so just to be sure we have it at the end of the year.
Twenty members weighed in today. We had a net loss of 12.2 lbs.
Today is the last day to sign up for SRD. If you have not given your information to Jean you will have to pay late registration fee if you decide to attend.
Our Area Captain, Claudia Gaylord, will visit us next week. Sheryl read a letter from our Area Captain. She is checking to see how we are doing on her contest. We need new members and new KOPS. Jean will send her the newspaper articles she requested.
Juanita and Carol are celebrating KOPS anniversaries in March.
Sheryl briefly touched on April 12 open house plans. We need to get our TOPS Rock’s painted so they can be put out. If you are not able to paint a rock, see Jean or Sheryl and they will get one for you. More on this next week.
Marble Game: Sue C won the right to draw for the winning marble but did not get it.
Contest: the TOPS Part of the contest is still going on.
Juanita and Steve had the program today. Steve passed out “Helping Hands” to everyone.
Juanita took her program from the TOPS web site. Each person got different color helping hands. Green for GO. Done well, succeeding in losing, green is for go to goal.
Yellow: Yellow is a winner because you did not gain. But caution, be careful keep watching your diet, keep your food chart so you can stay on track.
Red: So, you got in the red and gained. You may have allowed temptation to get the better of you. But you had the courage to weigh in. Red is for STOP. Love yourself enough to forgive yourself. Get back on track. We believe in you and soon you will be seeing green.
The helping hands are for each member to put on their fridge or in the kitchen to remind them TOPS is a helping hand.
With no other business meeting was adjourned with our song and motto. If It Is To Be It IS Up To Me.
TOPS MO 9319 meets each Thursday morning in the Church of Christ Meeting room at 302 E Hospital Road, El Dorado Springs. Weigh-in starts at 7:45 a.m. The meeting begins at 8:45 a,n, and is over by 10 a.m.
Are you ready to stop dieting and start making real changes? TOPS can help you reach your weight-loss goals by providing you with the tools, information, support, and accountability you need to be successful. After all, this has been a winning formula for TOPS members just like you for nearly 70 years. We welcome women and men of all ages. We encourage healthy eating and offer support through our chapter and the National Chapter of TOPS. We have a lot of fun in our weight loss journey and make lifelong friendships. First visit is free with no obligation.
For more information, call Sheryl Walker at 417 876 5699, Linda Hall at 417 876 6467, TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at
Come and join us.
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